
Call for papers – recasting subjects and subjectivities in the writing of history

The Program in Global History and Governance of the Scuola Superiore Meridionale of the University of Naples Federico II will host the Workshop “Recasting subjects and subjectivities in the writing of history: strategies, spaces and conflicts in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”. The event aims to offer a space of discussion for PhD students, researchers, and scholars who, in their investigations, focus on the centrality of subjects in creating spaces of action and mobilization inside the societal structures in which they moved, as well as in the global and local processes with which they interacted.

We invite applications that address the role of social actors in exploiting unforeseen conditions and in formulating new spaces of action, which move from the private to the public, from the individual to the collective. We prioritize contributions focusing on how individuals and groups have exploited the crucial transformations and dis-junctures of forms of power, institutions, and juridical systems which shaped the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In particular, the processes of abolition and emancipation, imperial reorganizations, decolonization, and recognition of individual and collective rights.

The Workshop will be hosted in Naples from the 22nd until the 24th of June 2022.


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