Bridging Physics to Biomedical Sciences
SPEAKER: Carlo Altucci
Full Professor at the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
TITLE: Bridging Physics to Biomedical Sciences
ABSTRACT: With the aim of bridging physics to biomedical sciences, various recent
applications of nanophysics and biophotonics to biomedical sciences are
reviewed, some of them joining the two physical topics into applied bio-nanophotonics.
In particular, interactions between nanomaterials and live microorganisms
such as bacteria, viruses, human cells (both normal and tumor) are
investigated in their physiological context, by means of several advanced
physical methods, focusing on the molecular mechanisms underlying the
actions of nanomaterials onto microorganisms. In addition, it is shown how methods derived from Chern-Simon
super-gravity adapted to describe interactions between nucleic acids, can
be used to analyze the KRAS human gene sequence and its mutations.
Interestingly, the model is capable to identify and possibly predict the
position of mutations within a sequence.
BIO: Full Professor of Applied Physics, member of the Academic Board of the PhD program in Molecular Science for Earth and Space (MOSES) at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale.
He conducted research at the Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden, between 1994 and 1997 (Marie Curie fellow), at the LENS laboratory in Florence (European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy), and at other prestigious international research centers in the field of ultrafast and non-linear optics.
He has authored approximately 170 publications in peer-reviewed international journals, with over 4,700 citations in scientific literature and an H-index of 31 (SCOPUS).
Over the past 15 years, his scientific interests have primarily focused on the applications of biophotonics and nanomaterials to biomedical sciences.
In 2024, he earned a specialization in Medical Physics.
He has been involved, as principal investigator or co-investigator, in several international and national projects, including:
The European project “SME-driven” ATLAS (Development of Laser-Based Technologies and Prototype Instruments for Genome-Wide Chromatin ImmunoPrecipitation Analyses – 2008-2012, 7th Framework Programme - budget under his coordination: approximately €820k);
The PON project “Innovative Methodologies for the Development of Automotive Propulsion Systems” (2011-2014), in collaboration with FIAT FGA, with a budget of €290k;
The PRIN project (2017 call) “Predicting and controlling the fate of bio-molecules driven by extreme-ultraviolet radiation,” ongoing (budget: €201k);
The PON MOPAS project (Microwaves for Sustainable Agriculture), for which he was Principal Investigator (2021-2024), with a total budget (grant) of approximately €1.2M.
He serves as a referee for major peer-reviewed international journals in Physics and Applied Physics (editorial groups include APS-American Physical Society, for which he is an outstanding referee, Nature Publishing, ACS, IOP, AIP, OSA, RSC, Elsevier, Springer).
He is an Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (IF = 6.06) and Nanomaterials (MDPI). Since 2014, he has been an Evaluation Expert for ANVUR and a reviewer for European projects (ERC). Starting in 2024, he is a Certification Expert for MIMIT.
DATE/TIME: Thursday 30 January 2025, at 2.30pm CET.
The colloquium will also be broadcast online, on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 841 4421 2706 | Passcode: 656302
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